We can pay the Panchayat property tax anywhere in Karnataka either online or offline. Below are the steps for paying the property tax online.
STEP 1 : Go to the website https://bsk.karnataka.gov.in/Home
(By default the content is in Kanada language, you have an option to translate it to English)
STEP 2 : Click on Property Tax.
STEP 3 : Enter your mobile number for OTP verification (No site registration is required). Click on 'Click here to pay tax'
STEP 4 : Enter the required details, like below:-
- Applicant Name.
- Mobile Number.
- E-mail ID.
- Select District, of the property from the drop-down list.
- Select Taluk, of the property from the drop-down list.
- Select Panchayat, of the property from the drop-down list.
Search your property either by your name or 18 digit property identification number (Applicant can locate 18 digit property identification number in e-khata certificate. 18 digit property identification number is mandatory to pay online)
STEP 5 : Complete the payment (Pay using Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI) and print & download the receipt.